Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fever Pitch

So...we're still sick. Well, I'm still sick, our little sparrow has stumbled upon another bout of sniffles and fever after a few days of glorious health. He's been asleep in our arms for most of the day. His rosy cheeks make my heart ache. Yesterday evening after a cooling bath, Jack found his personality again, if for a few brief moments. He escaped the clutches of his fleece pajamas and made a mad dash (peg-leg crawl) to Kya's toys. This kid is so wonderful and full of spirit, I am ready to see him healthy.

I love how Kya makes it into this video.
She doesn't look all too pleased at Jack's interest in her ball.

Oh and on a totally weird note, apparently, "Da" is the new "Malkovich".
Man, I miss 90's cinema.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hey, we're over here!

Sorry we have been MIA. Or rather we have been to the flu, pink eye, ear infections, colds and back again. Rian calls it the baby plague. Infant daycare appears to be a breeding ground for infectious disease and we have dealt with our fair share this cold and flu season. Let me tell you, frumpy teacher khakis + pink eye + sleep deprivation = one hot mama. Oh and toss in a little I-only-wear-these-in-the-privacy-of-my-home-for-a-reason-circa-2004-glasses (thanks super contagious pink eye!) and I could give Jessica Alba a run for her money.

Sickness and exhaustion aside, these last few months have been busy. Jack is just busy. He is growing so fast and his development is on turbo speed lately. I spoke to my dad this evening. He was asking me about all of the things Jack is doing now, so much has changed since they last hung out. It made me smile (and of course tear up a bit, I'm a pro with the emotions) to hear the softness in my dad's voice as we talked about all of the little intricacies of Jack's development. From his two front teeth, which have finally broken the surface of his gums to his penchant for walking around the coffee table, it was so much fun to fill my dad in, but it also made me wish he was able to be here to see it. Distance is the reality though for many families and I forget what a great tool this blog can be for connecting my family to the amazing growth that is the first year of life.

Here are some snippets of life from the past month: