Friday, April 27, 2012

One Year...In the Blink of An Eye

Happy Birthday to the sweetest little are and always will be, loved.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunshine and Frisbees

Portland is enjoying a few days of warmth and sunshine and as proper Portlanders, we are too. To know our dog Kya, is to know her LOVE of playing frisbee. She is mildy obsessed. To support her habit, we have a collection of about 15-20 frisbees (count has been lost, as some are held captive under the deck). I took Jack out onto the deck to soak up some rays, when I noticed a game he was playing with Kya. He picked up a frisbee from the stack and then she diligently came over and collected it to relocate to her stack (which was safely tucked on the other side of the deck). This went on for many frisbees until the final two, those were just for Jack. He caught onto her game and was not giving them up.

The Sweetest Sound

This little one, oh he makes me smile. His new favorite game when picked up (by his daddy) is to throw himself backwards in hopes (one can only hope) that Rian will tickle him with his stubble. Happiness ensues.