Monday, October 3, 2011

Well Child Visit: 4 Months

Belated well child post (only about five and a half weeks late)...
This little cutie is four months old (actually he is now 5 months and 1 week old, but feel free to play along on our trip back in time), can you believe it? He and I braved his four-month well child exam last week (ahem, just pretend this post is written by Marty McFly) and guess what? He's still perfect. Our pediatrician is wonderful, I cannot say enough nice things about her. She makes this mama feel so very proud of her mothering skills and even more proud of my giant baby. Jack is right on track with his development: rolling over, gripping, putting weight on his feet (he's a pro!), following objects/loud noises and practicing sitting up. Jack is rockin' the 93rd percentile in height and the 65th in weight. I thought those yummy baby leg rolls would put him a bit further up on the weight growth chart.
Jack Milton, 4 Months
15 pounds, 7 ounces
26.5 inches

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