Friday, June 24, 2011

Grateful Journal: June 24, 2011

In our class (I teach second and third grade), we keep grateful journals. A few afternoons a week we take the time to write down what we are grateful for and why. I find this makes us, students and teacher, take pause and find some good in the moment. It can turn around even the roughest of days for my young students, but also fills our classroom with gratitude. Some of my most special memories as a teacher are from grateful journal sharing. Kids can be so kind and forthright, they remind me to strive to be the same. Here is a peek at my grateful journal for the week (the home version):


1. Kya is one of the most loving dogs I've ever met (and she's not afraid to show it).
She has gently embraced the newest addition to our family with open paws, sweet, sweet girl, she is.

2. These little ears are in tune with so many exciting noises lately and they are pretty cute, to boot.

3. Rian doesn't understand why I don't just eat regular chocolate (i.e. in bar or truffle form).
Chocolate chips have been my favorite chocolate to sneak from the baking cabinet since I was young.
Forbidden chocolate is the best chocolate.

4. Flowers on the table in the afternoon glow make me happy.

5. Jillian Michaels, oh how I have missed thee
(you really didn't want to see a picture of me doing side lunges, did you?)!

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