Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Parents' Toolbox

Jack's three-month birthday passed us by so quickly, but as fast as time is slipping by, there were days those first few months that felt like an eternity. Being a parent is the most amazing adventure one could ask for, but between the sleep deprivation, recovering from surgery (ugh, thanks emergency c-section, you were not in my plans) and adjusting to life with another human attached to you at most times, it can be a bit overwhelming. I am not a big proponent of relaying too heavily on "stuff", but having a baby in today's age allows and almost sometimes forces you into a few pieces of gear. Here are a few modern conveniences that made our lives just a bit easier in the first three months. Here's hoping these might be helpful recommendations to any soon-to-be new parents out there:
Performance ERGObaby Carrier via Ergo
This piece of baby gear gets so much use, both around our house and out and about. The Ergo is Jack's favorite travel tool. He loves to snuggle right up to his mama or papa while out in new situations. I love babywearing too! It feels very natural to be carrying Jack around on my tummy, all curled up and snug, hmmm, I wonder why...

Bouncer via Amazon
One of the best pieces of advice I was given before Jack arrived is, always take time for a shower. But how do you wash your hair when you have a newborn in your arms? Enter the bouncy seat. A showered mom is a happy mom.
Soothie via Amazon
When we were in the hospital the nurses (we had the most amazing nurses taking care of us, by the way) kept asking us if we wanted to use a pacifier with Jack. I shook my head adamantly, thinking, "No thank you, our baby will never rely on a pacifier." Well, funny thing about parenting...sometimes its the baby who wears the onesies, er pants, in the family. Jack is a pacifier baby, correction, Jack is a Soothie baby. These are the only pacifiers he will use and we are thankful for them.

bumGenius Diapers via bumGenius
 One of the first parenting decisions we made while pregnant with Jack was that we would use cloth diapers. We started using these in Jack's second week of life and LOVE (if it is possible to love diapers) them. They are incredibly easy to wash, put on and even have snap closures. They certainly are not yo mama's (uh huh, that's right, I just said that) cloth diapers!
My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow via My Brest Friend
My real best friend's mom, who is the most wonderful nurse out there (she was in the delivery room when Jack was born) gave us this genius invention at our baby shower. In those first few weeks when it seemed all I did was feed Jack, I propped him up on this little pillow and relaxed. The Brest Friend made it possible for me to hold a book, answer the phone and sip out of that over-sized hospital water bottle I loved to carry around while spending 8 hours a day nursing the big, er, little guy. I partially credit it for making breastfeeding such an easy and enjoyable adventure from the very beginning.
Swaddleme Blanket via Summer Infant
Rian and I took an infant care class when I was as wide as I was tall, I mean when I was eight and a half months pregnant. It covered the basics about infant health and a few tricks of the trade. I am not at all spatial so let's just say I flunked the swaddling portion of the course. Enter these awesome swaddling blankets. Jack has loved these since day one. Though it seems counterintuitive for adults to be so restricted, little newborns seem quite content to be snuggled so tightly.

These "tools" have been of great use to us and have certainly made outings and bedtimes easier, but at the end of the day (especially at the end of the day) nothing is better that the arms of a mama or papa. 

Were there any tools that were useful to you as a new parent? 

P.S. You can comment below by clicking the teeny tiny print that says, "Post a comment". I would love to hear from you!

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