Friday, December 30, 2011

Glory Days

Tonight we celebrated living. We celebrated with a big fancy dance party, right here in our living room. It was a dance party for the ages. Me in my flannel jammies and Jack on bongos. Springsteen started us off. We traveled down Thunder Road, celebrated our glory days and danced in the dark, by the light of the Christmas tree. Rian and Kya joined us from upstairs, so it was onward to the Pulp Fiction soundtrack: Chuck Berry, Urge Overkill and Dusty Springfield. And for the grand finale we had to throw on a little Biggie Smalls (uh huh, yes you read correctly), Jack was the guest of honor at this dance party afterall.

Spinning, shrieks of joy, breathless laughter; note to self: THIS is what is important.

They'll pass you by....

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Portraits from Our Long Weekend

What a nice weekend it 'twas...time with family, lunch at the Kennedy School, walks around Mississippi Avenue, a singular glass of wine, warm comfort food at Serratto, a blustery autumnal walk around Northwest and lots of baby watching.

Does the weekend have to end?
Jack getting ready for Grandpa Bob's visit with some pajama push-ups
Showing off with synchronized push-ups
 Chillin' with Grandpa Bob and Grandma Amy,
we pretty much watched this baby all weekend
Babies are the new TV
Clasping is the step before clapping and boy oh boy,
does this boy want to learn how to clap 
Trying Papa's guitar on for size, a natural?
Somehow this boy is all smiles after pulling ANOTHER all-nighter,
 teething is the pits, but Baby Jack is well worth the lack of sleep

Long weekends are the best.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Long Weekend!

Did anyone else notice how goregous the moon was this evening? There is nothing like working in an elementary school on a full moon. Well, perhaps working in a junior high school...Anyway, let's just say it was a bit of a wild day! I am so grateful for a long weekend, a visit from my Dad and Amy and I am grateful for this little boy. He just gets cuter by the day.

P.S. He and Kya are best friends, they go everywhere together. It is awesome.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cool Toy Tuesday: ASL Alphabet Blocks

Organic ASL Alphabet Blocks via Little Sapling Toys
Language has always been fascinating to me. When I was a kid I used to pretend that I knew how to sign. My friend and I would be out and about signing to one another as if we knew what we were doing. We didn't. We would also pretend we spoke a multitude of foreign languages. We didn't. Embarassing, yes, but only in retrospect. At the time we were just kids playing around with language. 

At this point in my life I have acquired a few real signs through an ASL class in college and by learning from a student of mine several years ago. I use a few signs regularly in class and Rian and I have been working on using some baby signing with Jack. I see towers of words in our future with these cool ASL blocks!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Well Child Visit: 6 Months

Jack and I visited our lovely pediatrician on Friday. She always makes me feel so comfortable and answers my 5,000 nervous-first-time-mama questions with ease and a smile.

No surprise to us, Jack is doing great! He is meeting all of his developmental milestones, toughed it out through quite a few shots and did not sit still for a minute through the entire examination (we have definitely entered a new chapter in this baby's development, as evidenced by the two photos I was able to snap in between corraling Jack on the blue table). He also managed to rip apart the entire exam table's worth of paper, that crinkle sound was just too tempting!  

Despite all of the new food we have been trying, the round' the clock nursings as of late and his sweet little arm rolls, our little sparrow is finally living up to his nickname, he was a bit on the thin side, only weighing in at the 27th percentile. His height continues to be fairly consistent along the growth chart. Grow Little Sparrow, grow!
Jack Milton, 6 Months
16 pounds, 9 ounces
27 inches

Saturday Morning Checklist

Made it to Saturday morning. Thank.Goodness.For.Saturday.

Here is my checklist for a successful Saturday morning:
  • A husband who took our little nocturnal 6-month-old downstairs to play at 6:30am, so this exhausted mama could have a few extra hours of sleep, CHECK
  • Flannel morning attire and a warm bed to call home all morning, CHECK
  • Tired baby who finds his way back into the bed via said amazing husband for a long morning nap, CHECK
  • Husband who heads to the grocery store to get fixin's for brunch and dinner while said baby and mama are hunkering down in said cozy, warm bed, CHECK
Coming up some day...Jack's 6 month well child visit,  a half-year birthday letter for our little owl, er, sparrow and possibly a very honest post about being a new working mama (spoiler alert: it isn't easy)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dear Jack: Months 4 and 5 (Belated)

Home is wherever I’m with you…
September 27, 2011
Dear Jack,

Five months!?! Where has the time gone? I had the best intention of writing you a letter for your four month birthday, but life changed significantly in August and the letter slipped out of my grasp. I went back to work and have struggled to find the time to get much done besides the necessities of our day-to-day routine. So, here we are, looking back on the last two months of your amazing life.

You got to spend most of September with Papa at home. You and your dad were the most amazing pair. You took daily walks, did the grocery shopping, cooked meals (well, Papa did and you watched), sang, danced and rolled over (well, you did, Papa watched). Your daddy really cherished that time with you. Towards the end of September he helped introduce you to your first school experience and now you are attending school (daycare) full time.

Our days fly by, yours at school with Teacher Nicole and Daddy’s and Mama’s at work. Daddy drops you off every morning and Mama rushes from work to pick you up every afternoon. We have a lovely little routine with our lovely little family every evening: playtime, feedings, bath time, chat time and bedtime stories. Time with you is so precious, we savor every moment. It is always difficult to say good night to you because I just want to hang out for a little bit longer…As I write this, you are asleep in the other room. It is taking all of my strength, not to scoop you up out of the crib and give you a big hug and kiss, but I know you need your sleep.

In August, Grandpa Bob and Grandma Amy came out to visit and they brought along a special visitor, your Great-Grandma Irma! She was so smitten with you. You two (well all four of you) had a great time playing on the floor together and smiling at one another. It was very special for me to introduce you to my grandmother.

Just a few weeks later your Great-Aunt Barbara flew out from New York to see your red head and cute smile. We met her at Great-Uncle Dick and Great-Aunt Patricia’s house, where you also got to meet your cousin Jenny. Yet again, you won hearts. 

Great-Uncle Rick and Great-Aunt Karen also came to Oregon to see you. We all went out to dinner and Great-Uncle Rick gave his take on what sports you would play after you mastered walking. We had such a nice time visiting with them!
You continue to be the baby that can go anywhere. You love to visit the store, restaurants, the library and the park. Jack, you are so interested in other people and have really started watching people and trying to mimic them. This past month we took you on your first trip to the river. You slept the whole time, but your best friend, Kya, was ecstatic that you got to join her on a trip to one of her favorite places. That same weekend you took your first swim at our local community pool. You took to the water like a little fish, kicking, splashing and smiling away. We even let you dunk under twice and though a bit startled, there were no tears. I have a feeling you will love the freedom of the water, just as your mama and papa do.  
At five months old you continually impress us with your independence and determination (man, are you determined!).

These were some of your amazing accomplishments this past month:
  • You are a rolling machine! It is now hard to keep you on your back. As soon as you are placed down, you roll yourself over and push yourself up. You are working so hard to coordinate your push-up position and knee-inching. You will get there sooner than later…
  • You reach for anything in your path and put it ALL into your mouth. We think you may have begun teething, but seem to have taken it all in stride.
  • You started to eat rice cereal once a day around five months. It is a big hit with you. You love working with the spoon and try to spoon the cereal into your mouth independently. You continue to nurse like a champ and are very satisfied with your simple diet of breast milk and a bowl of rice cereal.
  • Each night after your bath, you have SO much to share with us. You lay down on your blanket and make long drawn out noises, engaging in a conversation about your day. When Mama or Papa make a loud playful noise, you mimic it in the most amazing way.
  • You are sitting up! You can sit straight up for a few seconds by yourself and are definitely working on mastering the tripod sit-up.
  • You have the goofiest laugh. It doesn’t come out every day, but when it does, it continues to make your mom and dad laugh too. Your favorite thing to laugh at lately is when we make fake gagging noises. Not sure how we discovered this…but one night when your Auntie Rachel came to visit, we made fake gagging noises all the way home from McMenamins in the hope of getting you to laugh. It must have been quite the sight, two women, gagging over a moving stroller.

Some of your favorites from Month 4 and 5:
  • Papa played a lot of old standards for you while you two were home together. You seemed to really enjoy Harry Belafonte. So much so, that Auntie Andi named one of your favorite toys, a stuffed elephant, Harry Elefante.
  • You also seem to like to listen to your parents sing songs from our childhood, BINGO and Old MacDonald are big hits with you!
  • Your favorite book this month was definitely, On the Night You Were Born. We read that every evening as you fell asleep.
  • It seems you have really discovered how to interact with Kya in the last few weeks. You reach out to pet her and she loves to give you big kisses on your face. When she walks by, you start to wiggle and kick, trying to catch her attention. She is going to love following you once you find your crawling stride in the next few months!   
  • You are a family guy. You really enjoy having your grandmas, grandpas, aunts and uncles close by and they seem to enjoy showering you with attention. We are truly lucky to be surrounded by such love! 

Our time together is not as it once was. Our evenings are short and treasured. I drive quickly across town each evening and find myself feeling very anxious to get to you, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel…Home, let me come home, home is wherever I’m with you. I slip through the door of your school and look for you. You always have a sweet grin for me when you realize I have come to pick you up. When I see that smile, I am home. No matter where we are, you are my home now. You, your papa and Kya, you are my home.

Home is wherever I’m with you,
Mama B

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Creeping Towards Crawling

So the backwards scoot is in full effect in our household and as of this evening...Little Jack is propping himself up on all fours.

Jack Talking Back

Little Sparrow reached a critical stage in his language development a few evenings ago...he learned to talk, er, scream, back at us.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Them There Eyes

We rushed home and had ourselves a lovely little afternoon today, me and Mr. Blue Eyes. Blinds were opened, sunshine was revealed, khakis were traded for flannel jammies and Liz Phair was popped into the stereo. Smiles, laughter and goofy dancing ensued. It was our first afternoon dance party since I returned to work. Mr. Blue Eyes, Liz and I, we all needed it.
They sparkle, they bubble, they're gonna get you in a whole lot of trouble...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

We're On the Move!

Well, really Jack is the one on the move. Can you believe it?

This little lovebug is officially mobile and we are simply in awe! It all started with learning to sit up a few days ago...

Then, we stepped out of the room for a few moments and found Jack in a new place. We thought maybe we had just forgotten where he was playing last, but alas, we saw him starting to scoot backwards across the carpet and then slipping and sliding across the wood floor. Wowee zowee!

Oh and then there's my favorite new(ish) move. I call this one, "foot in mouth". Wool socks, yum.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Well Child Visit: 4 Months

Belated well child post (only about five and a half weeks late)...
This little cutie is four months old (actually he is now 5 months and 1 week old, but feel free to play along on our trip back in time), can you believe it? He and I braved his four-month well child exam last week (ahem, just pretend this post is written by Marty McFly) and guess what? He's still perfect. Our pediatrician is wonderful, I cannot say enough nice things about her. She makes this mama feel so very proud of her mothering skills and even more proud of my giant baby. Jack is right on track with his development: rolling over, gripping, putting weight on his feet (he's a pro!), following objects/loud noises and practicing sitting up. Jack is rockin' the 93rd percentile in height and the 65th in weight. I thought those yummy baby leg rolls would put him a bit further up on the weight growth chart.
Jack Milton, 4 Months
15 pounds, 7 ounces
26.5 inches

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wait, are you still there?

Yes, faithful readers (if you are out there), we are still here. Going back to work has thrown me a bit of a curveball and I have barely  been able to find the time to pee (TMI? true story.), nonetheless write a blog. But, routine has settled in (sort of) and there is so much to share! Be back in a few days with a 5-month update about this little guy.

P.S. Most of the photos I put out there of Jack showcase his big grin, but I find his confused "What are you doing Mama?" look just as endearing, so I decided to put it out into the universe too.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cool Toy Tuesday: Polar Bears

Sometimes nothing is cooler than a sweet stuffed animal. There is a lot of room for imaginative play with a little snuggly friend. I have always had a fondness for polar bears and thought this little one might make a good friend for Jack. Polar bears have a rather interesting grace about them for being such large and dangerous creatures. Seeing them in the zoo, always makes my heart hurt a bit, knowing their wanderlust is not met. Since I have no desire to get close or get little Jack close to a real polar bear (bears, you have my full respect), I thought it might be nice to snuggle up to a fleece one.
The Polar Bear via ohsherry
And what goes better with a cozy polar bear, than a relaxation book about a boy and a polar bear? My good friend, who is a school counselor, recommended this book to me for my second grade class. It is just a simple story that incorporates relaxation techniques. The second graders LOVED it. They were breathing deeply with the book and "sinking into the floor." I read it after lunch for the first few weeks of school and our post-lunch recess drama quietly flew out the window. This would be a great bedtime book too!

A Boy and A Bear via Amazon

Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Parents' Toolbox

Jack's three-month birthday passed us by so quickly, but as fast as time is slipping by, there were days those first few months that felt like an eternity. Being a parent is the most amazing adventure one could ask for, but between the sleep deprivation, recovering from surgery (ugh, thanks emergency c-section, you were not in my plans) and adjusting to life with another human attached to you at most times, it can be a bit overwhelming. I am not a big proponent of relaying too heavily on "stuff", but having a baby in today's age allows and almost sometimes forces you into a few pieces of gear. Here are a few modern conveniences that made our lives just a bit easier in the first three months. Here's hoping these might be helpful recommendations to any soon-to-be new parents out there:
Performance ERGObaby Carrier via Ergo
This piece of baby gear gets so much use, both around our house and out and about. The Ergo is Jack's favorite travel tool. He loves to snuggle right up to his mama or papa while out in new situations. I love babywearing too! It feels very natural to be carrying Jack around on my tummy, all curled up and snug, hmmm, I wonder why...

Bouncer via Amazon
One of the best pieces of advice I was given before Jack arrived is, always take time for a shower. But how do you wash your hair when you have a newborn in your arms? Enter the bouncy seat. A showered mom is a happy mom.
Soothie via Amazon
When we were in the hospital the nurses (we had the most amazing nurses taking care of us, by the way) kept asking us if we wanted to use a pacifier with Jack. I shook my head adamantly, thinking, "No thank you, our baby will never rely on a pacifier." Well, funny thing about parenting...sometimes its the baby who wears the onesies, er pants, in the family. Jack is a pacifier baby, correction, Jack is a Soothie baby. These are the only pacifiers he will use and we are thankful for them.

bumGenius Diapers via bumGenius
 One of the first parenting decisions we made while pregnant with Jack was that we would use cloth diapers. We started using these in Jack's second week of life and LOVE (if it is possible to love diapers) them. They are incredibly easy to wash, put on and even have snap closures. They certainly are not yo mama's (uh huh, that's right, I just said that) cloth diapers!
My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow via My Brest Friend
My real best friend's mom, who is the most wonderful nurse out there (she was in the delivery room when Jack was born) gave us this genius invention at our baby shower. In those first few weeks when it seemed all I did was feed Jack, I propped him up on this little pillow and relaxed. The Brest Friend made it possible for me to hold a book, answer the phone and sip out of that over-sized hospital water bottle I loved to carry around while spending 8 hours a day nursing the big, er, little guy. I partially credit it for making breastfeeding such an easy and enjoyable adventure from the very beginning.
Swaddleme Blanket via Summer Infant
Rian and I took an infant care class when I was as wide as I was tall, I mean when I was eight and a half months pregnant. It covered the basics about infant health and a few tricks of the trade. I am not at all spatial so let's just say I flunked the swaddling portion of the course. Enter these awesome swaddling blankets. Jack has loved these since day one. Though it seems counterintuitive for adults to be so restricted, little newborns seem quite content to be snuggled so tightly.

These "tools" have been of great use to us and have certainly made outings and bedtimes easier, but at the end of the day (especially at the end of the day) nothing is better that the arms of a mama or papa. 

Were there any tools that were useful to you as a new parent? 

P.S. You can comment below by clicking the teeny tiny print that says, "Post a comment". I would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dear Jack: Month 3

You got heart and you’re going your own way…
July 27, 2011
Dear Jack,
You have reached you’re three month birthday and may I share a little secret with you? You are the most awesome person I have ever met (your daddy is right up there too)! You, my son, are the most wonderful thing to happen to us.  Something has occurred in you in your third month of life that has changed everything…your personality showed up to play, in a big way. You are a happy little fellow and you love to charm your way through our days.
Your third month has been a busy one and a bit of a roller coaster for your mama. I share this because being honest with you is very important to me. Someday, way in the distance, you may have your own children and may feel overwhelmed by your new, magical life as a parent. I want you to know that your parents were once on their own learning curve. Life’s twists and turns challenge us, keep life interesting and make us appreciative when the road is straight and smooth. The adjustment to parenthood hit me in a big way this month. I decided to change jobs, which had a big impact on our little family and made for a few stressful weeks. Interviews and appointments gave you an opportunity to spend some quality time with some of your loving relatives. Your Nana Lala (my mama) has been babysitting you at least once a week. Uncle Matthew and Aunt Andrea also came over to take care of you. You LOVE spending time with them and I think they have a nice time too (actually, I think they really LOVE getting you to themselves, so it is a win, win). Though you were in the best hands and we had so much help from our lovely family this month, I missed you and our little routine. Mama found her stride balancing everything towards the end of the month and we started to have our rhythm back, it just looks a bit different. Instead of lounging around the house, we now travel everywhere together. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
It is amazing how a baby can bring so many people together. You continued to have many visitors and visits with people this past month. Your Nana Lala’s friends came from warm places to visit and shower you with love. Your Auntie Dana drove up from California to dote upon you. You loved her and boy, did she love you! Nana Lala’s friend, Ellen, flew in from Florida to visit with your Nana and we crashed their party one afternoon. You went out to lunch and walked up and down Hawthorne, it was a lovely afternoon with wonderful women. While out to lunch a proud mother came over to tell us she also had a beautiful redhead. Redheads need to stick together. Auntie Colleen came down for a visit with her sister, Megan and we had so much fun hanging out. We love to visit with the Lawson clan too and spend many Sundays lounging around with your grandparents, aunties, uncle and all of the doggies.
These were some of your amazing accomplishments this past month:
  • You have been kicking your legs like crazy. Mostly just to kick, but sometimes you kick to show approval, often followed by a squeal of delight.
  • You have a very firm grip and study your hands intently for many minutes at a time. Rattles, rings and pacifiers are all within your reach now. You can even put your pacifier into your mouth!
  • It amazes us how many sounds you have found. You can now say, “ha”, “ggg” and love to exclaim, “howow”
  • Rolling from side to side is a daily exercise for you.
  • Your laugh has made a few appearances. It is the oddest little giggle, it makes us laugh until tears flow.
  • You go everywhere: restaurants, meetings, stores, parks, you name it, you can go there and handle the new and different environments beautifully.
Some of your favorites from Month 3:
  • Though you still have an affinity for a good beat, we are trying to wean you off some of the more salacious hip-hop songs. Instead Mama is exposing you to some of her faves from her junior high years. You love the song, “Stay” by Lisa Loeb. Your Mama sings it over and over again just to keep that goofy grin on your face. Not sure the neighbors love it as much as you.
  • We have a small play “gym” that has a few hanging toys and a mirror. You spend what seems like hours on that mat staring at your fist as you try to touch the hanging rings. You also love to talk to that little cutie in the mirror. You think he is the bees’ knees.
  • You love to go on car rides when your mama or papa sits in the back with you. We like it too.
  • Evening strolls have become a new favorite of yours, especially as the days get warmer. You like to snuggle up to Mama in the Ergo and take in the shadows of the trees.
  • In the mornings we cuddle and then you hang out in your crib and I help you roll back and forth. You think this is the funniest thing ever and have even let out a laugh or two as we roll. It probably helps that I sing, “Shake, shake, shake; shake, shake shake; shake your booty.” Mornings are your favorite, they are mine too.
Most afternoons we sit on the floor or I hold you in my arms and we have a singing party. There is a special sing aloud mix for you. I look at you and you look at me. I sing to you and you sing to me. Your favorites this month are Lisa Loeb, Regina Spektor, Ray Charles and Matisyahu. When you start to rub your eyes and signal to me that you are ready for your four o’clock feeding and subsequent nap, I play one last song, “L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N” by Noah and the Whale. There is a lot in the song that has yet to apply to you and some that may never, but there is one line that I belt out to you, “You got heart and you’re going your own way.” We look deep into each other’s eyes and you smile back at me when you hear this. I know somewhere in you, you are getting the message I want you to carry with you your entire life: follow that beautiful heart of yours and never be afraid to go your own way.

This life we lead together in our little family of four includes so much singing, swaying and smiling. I have never been more exhausted or more content. You make my heart soar Mr. Jack Milton.

I love you this much (arms spread as wide as they can be),
Mama B

Monday, August 8, 2011

Cool Toy Tuesday: Inchimals

Wow, these are an primary teacher's dream! I love that these fun blocks are both interesting to look at and expose kiddos to a plethora of wonderful math concepts: ratio, measurement, fractions, etc... These would be a fantastic way to introduce non-standard vs. standard units of measurement too.
Inchimals via Fat Brain Toys

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cute T. McGee

The gym is...

that way.


Yesterday I headed north to begin the arduous task of new classroom set-up. Surprisingly, I moved quickly and got a lot done (mamahood has made me more some things). Monday also marked the second day I was away from this little cutie for more than two or three hours. He was in wonderful hands, my mama's, but I missed his presence all day. So today it was all about the mama and her boy. There were bubbles blown (the boy), Lisa Loeb songs sung (the mama) and lots of smiles (from the boy and his mama).

P.S. A three-month letter is long overdue, this little boy is up to so much lately that I need to document before it passes us by.

Cool Toy Tuesday: Light Panel

Light panels are the coolest! I've seen these in many lucky early childhood classrooms and could only imagine how awesome it would be to explore different materials on a light panel at home with Jack. Working with a light panel would truly be an illuminating experience (hehe, I'm so punny). Below are a few bright ideas (I know, seriously, I can't help it) for playing with light panels.  
Images via Play At Home Mom
Creating Homemade Transperancies via Pink and Green Mama
General Light Table Ideas via TUTUMON
Ultra-Thin Portable Light Panel can be purchased via Constructive Playthings

Friday, July 29, 2011

Grateful Journal: July 29, 2011

We have been trying to surround this little boy with books from the beginning. He is really starting to take to story times and loves to look intently at the pictures. This makes my teacher heart melt.

I am jumping into a new teaching job (and across state lines no less). It is an exciting change and my new school seems wonderful (I even got a hug from one of the teachers there upon arrival). Despite my excitement to try something new, it is also very difficult to leave a very dear community and very dear friends. I have learned so much from the teachers, students and staff at my school and am so grateful that I get to take those experiences with me as I begin a new adventure.

My father-in-law saved the day this week! I had to move my classroom quickly and he kindly agreed to help me move about a million books, bookshelves and carpets on Thursday. Having his help (and that of my friend Melanie and my mom's superb babysitting services) made what could have been a very stressful day, a smooth one. I am so grateful for kind and generous family members like him!

Summer has finally arrived in Portland and it is spectacular!

To celebrate three months of Jack, I had my first glass of wine this week in over a year.
Oh wine, how I have missed thee.